My sole socio-political goal -

Automatic1 Equal2 Opportunity3 for Every Indian4!

  1. Tech-delivered, free/low-cost, family-centered (free of community, government engagement)
  2. Same-quality, world-leading socio-economic and governance soft-infrastructure
  3. Opportunities of education, health, government interface, micro-enterprise backbone
  4. Also offer the same 'extended technology' to institutions from other countries
Why Democracy 2.0? Why the need for " I AM Government"! - I
Why Democracy 2.0? Why the need for " I AM Government"! - II
What’s "I am Government" Main bhi sarkar kya hai?
Delhi 2030 - What Our Delhi Must Be!

How will we achieve the ideals of democracy?

Technology Is The Word!
Beginning 2000, Liberal Democracy Started To Get Stressed Across The World.

In 2001, world's first book on E-governance was written in India!

PM Modi's win is a providential signal for our democracy.
India is ready for Democracy 2.0 - 'Every citizen is govt' After all, Vajji, humanity's first republic, was in India.

What's Happening Across The World Towards Next-Gen Democracy?

A Sample Of Three Thought Provoking Videos

Propelling true and compassionate democratic reform

The Founder
Sandeep Srivastava
Social entrepreneur
Digital democrat

I authored the world's first book on
'new-age governance' in 2001!

Pertinently, Sandeep pioneered a 400-page book on the next-generation governance as a technologist, in 2001 ('Government@Net, New governance opportunities for India, was the world's first book on e-governance). The book was a kind of manifesto for governments to make the most of innovative pathways to better governance.

Sadly, nothing happened on that vision in India; and little has happened across the world in harnessing the disruptive power of technology for better governance (in fact, technology is being used to intimidate and control citizens)!

Something happened in 2015 that triggered a reaction from him w.r.t. the quality of governance - Mr Kejriwal's manifesto! He didn't expect such a vision-less manifesto for a city he loves, from someone who is well-educated and apparently committed. So, he decided to dirty his hands and learn more about the ground realities of politics.

Over the past 4 years, the that learning has come to be crystallised as 'I am Government' as the model of governance. And now it's a dedication to work on the ground to realise it for our motherland.

More on him at:

Evidences from national media

The Sorry State Of Our Democracy!